In conclusion, reportage illustration is a really useful way of documenting and journaling events that are happening in the moment, but also capture it in true form which is back up by information. Accuracy is a key moral consideration in this line of illustration as it is a responsibility to produce and distribute truthfulness through the art created. Most reportage is used to document social and political events which can include locations and people and is hugely used when other sources of media is not permitted such as photography. It is highly affective in different circumstances and provides a sense of emotion and atmosphere of what they are writing to represent. Mixed media is used a lot with many reportage professionals, many with softer materials which include pen, watercolour, charcoal which allow to show emotion and to ingrain information to the viewer. Material is considered to give a certain meaning such as sadness, grief, happiness and so on. Reportage illustration overall is vital alongside other types of journalism as they all have one end goal, to produce the truth.